Are you ready to take charge of your work wellbeing?

Want to feel calm, confident and in control every day?

Then you’re in the right place, my love...

I know how you feel.

I know you want to totally smash it at work,

but it’s just taking so damn much from you.

  • You realise work wellbeing is important, but you don’t know how to make time for it.

  • You like your job, but you constantly feel overstretched and underappreciated. 

  • You want to enjoy time with friends and family, but you struggle to switch off when you log off.

  • You are keen to progress, but don’t know how you’d cope with even more responsibilities.

  • You know you’ve done well ‘on paper’, but you constantly doubt and second-guess yourself.

  • You want to be a good leader, but you’re squeezed between the expectations of managers and your team.

  • You want a job that lights you up, but don’t want to walk away from your career (plus, those bills aren’t gonna pay themselves).

I get it. 100% Because I have been there.

I’ve sacrificed my health and happiness in the name of success and being a ‘good’ employee.

I’ve been on the burnout rollercoaster and constantly wondered:

isn’t there more to life?

Then I discovered a better way of working. A self-compassionate approach that boosted my productivity, improved my mood and changed my life.

Now it’s my mission to help you do the same.

So you’re in control of your work - and it no longer controls you.

What my amazing clients say…

“Being coached by Anna has been a start-to-finish delight.

It feels as though compassion and kindness are woven into her coaching DNA [and] our sessions invite me to turn compassion and kindness inwards….

I’ve come to unlock values, sparks and driving forces I didn’t even know I had.”

— Darlene

“My coaching with Anna has had a great impact on my life.

Her supportive yet challenging approach, ability to spot themes and encouragement was exactly what I needed.

I have a renewed passion and focus for the next chapter and I couldn’t have got there without her.”

— Helena

“It felt like finally (!) someone is articulating what I need in a way that felt actionable.

Anna’s explanation of how to use self-compassion in a work setting really clicked for me.

Now I feel energized. I feel more capable of breaking previous habits that contributed to my work burnout.”

— Brigitte

A little about me…

  • I’m embracing village life after being a committed city girlie in my 20s and 30s.

  • My cat is called Diego because I love all things Spanish.

  • Being a mum is my biggest daily lesson in self-compassion.

  • At least half my brain space is taken up by 90s and 00s song lyrics.

  • I’m at my happiest when I’m in, on or near the water.

  • I don’t believe in work-life balance - it’s such a BS myth.

  • I am a big fan of a giant mug - no teeny cups of tea or coffee for me, ta.

  • I probably spend too much time listening to true crime podcasts (and I’ll love you forever if you recommend me an amazing new one).