With me as your work wellbeing wing woman, you’ll be happier, calmer and more confident at work - every damn day.

Hey. I’m Anna – the Compassionate Work Coach.

Thanks for dropping by. It is bloody lovely to have you here.

Because this is the first step to shifting everything about your work life (and we all know that means transforming your whole life).

Believe me: I know how life-changing that can be. Because I have had a love-hate relationship with work for yearssss.

When I started training as a coach, I wanted it to be my escape route. A way to get off the hamster wheel of office life. I was DONE.

Work had exhausted me.

Overwhelmed me.

Messed with my mental health.

Impacted my physical health.

I’d already changed careers, pivoted to a new sector, transitioned to a different industry and even moved cities. I’d tried big corporates, small start-ups, civil service and charity jobs. I’d even taken a career break to volunteer in Central America for a few months.

But every fresh start ended up the same way.

  • Stressing about workload, but feeling that I had to do even more.

  • Venting about work constantly, but hating how much it dominated my thoughts.

  • Doubting that I was good enough, but resenting that I was underappreciated. 

  • Wanting more from life, but cancelling fun plans because I was knackered after work.

Coaching was going to be the magic fix. And it was.

Just not in the way I’d expected…

Although I had built a life that looked great from the outside and a career that looked good on paper, I was breaking inside.

Instead of being just a new career path, coaching became a journey of massive self discovery and self awareness. And on the way, I started to discover a whole bunch of stuff about my work habits, thoughts, behaviours.

I was a perfectionist with imposter syndrome and had a super bitchy inner critic who was terrified of failing.

No matter what I did for work, all that shit was going to show up. Unless I decided to challenge and change it.

Just as I was realising all this, I started the most important new role of my life: being a mum.

And, yep, the same ol’ shit started showing up there too.

I was trying to do everything perfectly. Struggling to ask for help. Seeing suggestions as criticisms. Being terrified of f*cking things up. Giving myself such a hard time when I did f*ck things up.

Then one day, I stumbled upon this thing called self-compassion. And something clicked.

I really needed to give myself a break. Literally to slow down and take a breath. But also, to start being a whole lot kinder to myself.

I started to practice self-compassion every single day. It was – no exaggeration – a game-changer.

I felt calmer. I was clearer on my priorities. I could recognise when I needed a break. I gained confidence, which made it easier to ask for help and accept new ideas.

I became happier.

And I had such a big lightbulb moment: it doesn’t matter where I work, or what I do for work. The thing that matters is how I work.

How I speak to myself at work.

How I prioritise work.

How I treat myself at work.

How I feel about work (and allow it to control my feelings…).

And I realised that the absolutely bloody brilliant thing about this is: I am totally in control of that stuff. I might not be able to control a manager, availability of resources, shareholder expectations or workplace culture.

But I can control how I respond to all that stuff.  

When I went back to work after maternity leave while nurturing a toddler and a fledgling coaching business, self-compassion kept me sane and grounded.

Now I’m here to help you feel the same – at work, and beyond.

With me as your work wellbeing wing woman (superpower: self-compassion), you will go from utterly overwhelmed to completely in control.

Are you ready to transform your work life and find that happier you?

In 2022, I completed The Coaching Academy’s Personal Performance Coaching Diploma with Distinction.

This qualifies me to provided 1:1 and group coaching in an ethical, informed and client-centred way that is accredited by the International Coaching Federation.

Certified, accredited personal performance coach